At Sioux Falls Christian, we use an educational framework unique to us called Teaching for Transformation.
Through this framework, your child's everyday experiences at SFC help them learn and grow in a way that not only teaches facts but transforms their hearts and minds to see God's story in everything and everyone around them.
Teaching for Transformation isn't just found in the classroom. It's present at every moment of every school day: whether your child is enjoying morning recess, practicing for a band performance, or growing plants in our greenhouse.
“The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people, a people who desire the kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire.” James K. A. Smith
Core Practices
Teaching for Transformation is expressed by using four core practices: Deep Hope, Formational Learning Experiences, Storyline and Throughlines.
Click each image below to learn more about how each core practice is used to transform our students' time in the classroom and community into a flourishing, growing, and life-changing educational experience!
Deep Hope
At Sioux Falls Christian, we want our students to feel invited, nurtured and empowered to see themselves as a part of God's story through authentic learning experiences rooted in a transformational Christian worldview.
Provided with an academic curriculum based upon Biblical principles, our students leave our school with a foundation that has prepared them to impact the Kingdom for Jesus Christ and be a light in the community and the world.
Start the Journey to Your Child's Transformational Education Today!